Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity!

I don't know quite who to attribute this quote, because I have seen it with several different authors. Nonetheless, it certainly makes sense in my life at this moment.

I was recently lucky enough (or prepared enough) to be given a wonderful opportunity to share my entrepreneurial skills. A group of 10 young entrepreneurs from Israel and Jordan are here in the U.S. studying at the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay in a program aimed at developing closer relationships with the Middle East. These young women were matched with mentors to help them develop their business plans, learn more about American culture and help forge ongoing relationships.

It has been less than a week since my mentee, Neta Or has arrived and I have already developed a close bond with her. Our whole group has discovered how much more we are alike than we are different. I know I would not have been experienced enough or wise enough 20 years ago to appreciate this experience. So after complaining about the downsides of growing old, I am here to say there are certainly more upsides to becoming an older woman.

Sure, menopause can throw you for a loop sometimes, but the wisdom and sense of peace that comes with this time in my life surely outweighs a few hot flashes. As part of the U.S. State Department funded program, I will be traveling to Jordan and Israel for two weeks this summer. What a thrill it will be to meet many other women who are experiencing the same joys and struggles. Here's to wise women everywhere - grab your opportunity and run with it!

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